City Lights – 35mm Print!

A Tribute to Janus Films

City Lights - 35mm Print!


General Admission: $10 | Loft Members: $8

Passes Not Accepted

City Lights, the most cherished film by Charlie Chaplin, is also his ultimate Little Tramp chronicle. The writer-director-star achieved new levels of grace, in both physical comedy and dramatic poignancy, with this silent tale of a lovable vagrant falling for a young blind woman who sells flowers on the street (a magical Virginia Cherrill) and mistakes him for a millionaire. Though this Depression-era smash was made after the advent of sound, Chaplin remained steadfast in his love for the expressive beauty of the pre-talkie form. The result was the epitome of his art and the crowning achievement of silent comedy. (Dir. by Charles Chaplin, 1931, USA, silent with English language intertitles, 86 mins., Not Rated)

1 HR 27 MIN | G

Released 1931
City Lights – 35mm Print! Trailer Trailer
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