Creature from the Black Lagoon in 3D

Presented By Barrio Brewing!

Creature from the Black Lagoon in 3D


General Admission: $9 | Loft Members: $7

Passes Accepted

An expedition up the Amazon turns into a slimy monster mash in this classic ‘50s chiller, presented in the original 3D format – the terror will be splashing right off the screen and into your lap, so watch out! A team of intrepid scientists (played by 1950’s genre vets Richard Carlson, Julie Adams and Richard Denning) set off on an excursion up the Amazon to find traces of the Missing Link and his prehistoric past. But the unprepared explorers end up getting more than they bargained for when they run afoul of the fabled “Gill Man” — a half man/half fish with a bad temper and an unhealthy fascination with the beautiful Ms. Adams. Filled with unforgettably iconic images, the most famous being the oddly romantic synchronized swimming scene between the Gill Man and his lovely prey, Creature from the Black Lagoon was the last of the classic Universal Studios creature features, spawning two Creature sequels.  Featuring luminous underwater 3D photography and great, jump-out-of-your-seat scares, Creature is still a ton of fright-filled fun. If you’ve never seen this in 3D (or even if you have), you need to make plans to swim on over to The Loft Cinema and catch the Gill Man … before he catches you! (Dir. by Jack Arnold, 1954, USA, 79 mins., Not Rated / Suitable for all ages)

1 HR 29 MIN | G

Released 1954
Creature from the Black Lagoon in 3D Trailer Trailer
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