Daughter of a Lost Bird

Loft Film Fest 2022!

Daughter of a Lost Bird


General Admission: $12 | Loft Members: $10

Passes Not Accepted

Thanks to our community partner for this film, Indigenous Strategies


“Lost birds” is a term for Native children adopted out of their tribal communities. Right after the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 became the law of the land, Kendra Mylnechuk Potter was adopted into a white family and raised with no knowledge of her Native parentage. This beautiful and intimate film follows Kendra on her journey to find her birth mother April, also a Native adoptee, and return to her Lummi homelands in Washington State. With a sensitive yet unflinching lens, director Brooke Swaney (Blackfeet/Salish) documents Kendra and April as they connect with relatives and navigate what it means to be Native, and to belong to a tribe from the outside looking in. (Dir. by Brooke Swaney, 2021, USA, 66 mins., Not Rated)

Other festivals: Hot Docs, Cine Las Americas

1 HR 7 MIN | NR

Released 2021
Daughter of a Lost Bird Trailer Trailer
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