Double Crossed in Durango
General Admission: $10
Passes Not Accepted
Featuring a Q&A with the filmmakers!
With the extension of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad, industry in the southwest is booming with a wealth of opportunity for all and untold riches for those who seek it. With their luck seemingly running dry, a band of unexpected travelers find themselves taking on the great challenge of robbing the train in Durango, Colorado to Silverton. Will they encounter their vast fortune or will their adventure end in a derailed catastrophe?
This is your chance to watch the full-release version of Double-Crossed in Durango on the big screen now with more action, screen time, locations, actors, and western drama. (Dir. by Mike Doherty, 2022, USA, 60 mins., NR)
This is a rental of The Loft Cinema, presented by Linus Hinton.