EarthBound, USA

EarthBound, USA


General Admission: $12 | Loft Members: $10

Passes Accepted

Featuring a post-film Q&A with director Jazzy Benson and the film’s producers!

What happens when Nintendo cancels your favorite video game of all time? If it’s 1999 and you have a dial-up internet connection at your parents’ house, you and your fan site might take matters into your own hands. ROM hacking, fanfiction, exposés, guerrilla marketing, international intrigue, CEOs, and stinky smells. Wild teenage idealists duke it out with a corporate goliath in this online coming-of-age story told by the netizens who lived it. Nearly ten years in the making, EarthBound USA was produced right here in Tucson, Arizona! (Dir. by Jazzy Benson, 2023, USA, 100 mins., Not Rated)

1 HR 40 MIN | NR

Released 2023
EarthBound, USA Trailer Trailer
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