Heavy Metal

Presented by Barrio Brewing!

Heavy Metal


General Admission: $8 | Loft Members: $6

Passes Accepted

In 1981, the popular adult sci-fi magazine Heavy Metal became a major motion picture, and the world – or at least the world of ‘80s animation – would never be the same.  A twisted anthology film, produced by Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) and loosely tied together by a talking green orb representing ultimate evil, Heavy Metal leaps through multiple stories, told in multiple animation styles, all set to one of the most rocking soundtracks of all time.  Wild stories of lust, violence and magic unfold in crazed heavy fashion:  warrior women ride prehistoric birds, weird meteorites invade Earth, a skinny geek becomes a heroic muscleman in another world, aliens snort cocaine, gratuitous nudity runs rampant and the bloody carnage is relentless.   The film traverses WWII, 1980’s New York City and distant galaxies/dimensions and does it all in under 90 breakneck minutes, barely pausing for breath between each segment.  Featuring the music of Black Sabbath, Devo, Blue Oyster Cult, Nazareth, Cheap Trick and many more, as well as such comedic vocal talent as John Candy, Eugene Levy and Harold Ramis, Heavy Metal is a crazed assault on the senses whose original poster tagline read, “Louder and Nastier Than Ever,”  and they weren’t kidding!  (Dir. by Gerald Potterman, 1981, Canada, 86 mins., Rated R)

1 HR 26 MIN | R

Released 1981
Heavy Metal Trailer Trailer
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