Invasion of the Blood Farmers

Invasion of the Blood Farmers


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The Loft Cinema celebrates its Golden 50th Anniversary with MONDO ’72, featuring a crazed collection of mad Mondo classics that somehow escaped from the year 1972 to terrorize the world all over again in 2022!

“They Planted the Living and Harvested the Dead!” 

Did you ever wonder what happens behind the scenes at a terror farm?   This ludicrous, low-budget 1972 shocker will reveal all you ever wanted to know about life down on the (blood) farm, but were afraid to ask … and then some!   A cult of modern-day Druids (who resemble Amish farmers) living in upstate New York are looking to keep their catatonic blonde queen alive in her glass coffin, so naturally, they lure unsuspecting tourists from the nearby town to their farm and drain their blood with cheap plastic tubing, all so they can feed the newly-acquired goo to the thirsty queen, who doesn’t seem all that grateful.      While the cult’s flamboyant leader twirls his cool cape and entertains his followers with hilariously misguided tales of blood farming history, a brave young man tries to help his girlfriend and her scientist father unravel the mystery of the dastardly Druids, and you can bet there’s going to be some big trouble on the blood farm tonight! Yes, it’s more appalling ‘70s drive-in horror from the creators of the classic Killer Yeti flick, Shriek of the Mutilated, and if you love bad movies, bad acting and bad farming advice, this is a bloody must-see!  (Dir. by Ed Adlum, 1972, USA, 77 mins., Rated PG)

1 HR 18 MIN | PG

Released 1972
Invasion of the Blood Farmers Trailer Trailer
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