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In the shocking psychological horror thriller Resurrection, Rebecca Hall (Godzilla vs. Kong; The Prestige) delivers a gripping, frighteningly intense performance as a woman trying to escape her past, only to find that old demons die hard.  Margaret’s life is in order. She is capable, disciplined, and successful. Soon, her teenage daughter, who Margaret raised by herself, will be going off to a fine university, just as Margaret had intended. Everything is under control. That is, until David (Tim Roth) mysteriously returns, carrying with him the horrors of Margaret’s past.  Soon, Margaret’s perfect life is spinning out of control, and as events accelerate from disturbing to violent to nightmarishly surreal, she must decide how far she’s willing to go in order to save herself and her daughter. (Dir. by Andrew Semans, 2022, USA, 104 mins., Not Rated)


Closed Captions and Audio Descriptions Available.

1 HR 53 MIN | NR

Released 2022
Resurrection Trailer Trailer
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