The Rose Maker

The Rose Maker


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Celebrated French star Catherine Frot (Marguerite) takes center stage in this charmingly good-natured comedy as a once-successful rose farmer on the brink of losing her business until she forms an unlikely friendship with three new apprentices. Eve (Frot) used to be content living in almost complete isolation to focus on her passion for growing roses, making her one of the most famous rose creators/hybridizers in the world.  But when financial hardships threaten her business and livelihood, desperate measures are required. The unexpected solution comes in the form of three new workers who are recruited cheaply from a back-to-work program. There’s just one small problem:  these hapless outcasts have no gardening skills and know absolutely nothing about growing roses. Now Eve is going to have to tend to a lot more than just her rose bushes to keep her head above water, and this odd team with nothing in common hatches a crazy plan that just might save the business and change all their lives forever. (Dir. by Pierre Pinaud, 2020, France, in French with English subtitles, 95 mins., Not Rated)

1 HR 45 MIN

Released 2020
The Rose Maker Trailer Trailer
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