Planet of Dinosaurs

Planet of Dinosaurs


General Admission: $4 | Loft Members: $3

Passes Accepted

Get ready to get Jurassic at DINOSAUR DOMINATION MONTH, featuring prehysterical dino flicks guaranteed to stomp on your sanity and fossilize your funny bone!

“Trapped on a Lost World of Prehistoric Monsters!”  A spaceship full of groovy ‘70s swingers crash lands on a mysterious planet inhabited by cranky, blood-thirsty dinosaurs, and soon it’s a matter of survival of the fittest (and the most heavily mustached) in this fun, absurdly cheapo drive-in mash-up of The Land of the Lost and The Love Boat, featuring bad acting, stylish spandex jumpsuits, and surprisingly awesome stop-motion dino SFX.  A highly entertaining, “this could only have happened in the 1970s” piece of drive-in schlock, starring a very-hairy James Whitworth (“Jupiter” from Wes Craven’s The Hills Have Eyes) and a bunch of other people! (Dir. by James K. Shea, 1977, USA, 84 mins. Rated PG)

1 HR 24 MIN | NR

Released 1977
Planet of Dinosaurs Trailer Trailer
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