Shaun of the Dead

Presented by Barrio Brewing!

Shaun of the Dead


General Admission: $8 | Loft Members: $6

Passes Accepted

The cracked British comedy team of Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and director Edgar Wright hit the rotting corpse on the head with this gross, hilarious and spot-on comedic update of the zombie genre. Shaun of the Dead follows the bloody funny adventures of professional underachiever Shaun (co-writer Simon Pegg) and his best mate Ed (Nick Frost) as they cope with a zombie invasion of North London. The flesh-eating undead are on the hunt for a bite to eat, and it’s up to our slacker heroes to save their friends and family from becoming a zombie buffet. As they round up their mates and make their way towards the sanctuary of a local pub, Shaun and Ed must summon reserves of strength they didn’t know they possessed and strain muscles they forgot they ever had, battling the hungry hordes of shambling corpses with their weapons of choice: a cricket bat, Prince’s Batman soundtrack and a whole lot of beer! (Dir. by Edgar Wright, 2004, UK, 99 mins., Rated R)

1 HR 39 MIN | R

Released 2004
Shaun of the Dead Trailer Trailer
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