The Stuff

The Stuff


General Admission: $4 | Loft Members: $3

Passes Accepted

Get ready to chow down on FREAKY FOOD MONTH at Mondo Mondays, featuring a mouth-watering menu of delicious B-movies smothered in extra cheese!

“Are you eating it …or is it eating you?” A tasty new treat is sweeping the nation – it’s “The Stuff,” and it’s delicious, nutritious and oh yeah, absolutely deadly!   In this crazed consumer conspiracy horror flick, a new dessert is taking supermarket shelves by storm. It’s yummy, low in calories and – better still – doesn’t stain the family carpet … what’s not to like?  Well, for a start, it has a life of its own, and we’re not talking friendly live bacteria. Young Jason seems to be the only one who doesn’t love The Stuff – in fact he won’t go anywhere near it, after having seen the pudding crawling around the fridge one night. What’s more, everyone who eats The Stuff seems to be developing a serious case of “zombie brain.” Now, teaming up with a wise-cracking industrial saboteur named Mo (Michael Moriarty, Q: The Winged Serpent), Jason must put a stop to The Stuff and the mysteriously evil organization behind it or face a gooey, gloopy demise. This exploitation cult classic from writer/director Larry Cohen (It’s Alive; God Told Me To) is a fun and titillating treat with a surprising bite of social commentary, so grab a spoon and dig into The Stuff … before it digs into you! (Dir. by Larry Cohen, 1985, USA, 87 mins., Rated R)

1 HR 27 MIN | R

Released 1985
The Stuff Trailer Trailer
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